In order to receive your certification, you must achieve an overall score based on the exam criteria. If you did not score at that level or above, you must re-take the exam.
We suggest taking several weeks to review the material before attempting a retake. Your first retake is free of charge, and you are eligible for a retake up to 1 year from the date of your original purchase of the Certification Exam Voucher.
If you are need of a retake, just email and notify us of 3 dates and times that would be convenient for your retake. We will do our best to accommodate your first choice. Please keep in mind our hours are Monday - Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM in US Pacific Time.
If you fail the exam a second time you can attempt the exam again, but you will need to purchase a new Certification Exam Voucher. To purchase a new voucher please contact, they will provide you with instructions for making the purchase.