Since candidates take AIPMM certification preparation courses through our Authorized Training Partners around the world, the location of their exam is open to the candidate. Candidates must arrange their exams directly with AIPMM.

Through our unique remote proctoring method, candidates can take exams from a remote location while maintaining exam integrity. Candidates are required to verify their identities, to agree to the terms of the exam, and will be monitored through audio/video.


To take an online proctored test from a remote location, candidates need:

  1. A suitable device (desktop PC, laptop only using Windows 10/11, MacOS)
  2. Access to a high-speed network (6 Mbps minimum)
  3. Access to a web camera and a microphone
  4. Any modern browser on a MAC/PC/Laptop

What you can expect with the AIPMM Certification Exam Process

Live Online Proctoring

In a live proctored test, the proctor monitors the candidates, audio-video, and real-time screen-sharing feeds. In addition, advanced video and audio analytics are used to monitor the feeds for suspicious activity.