All of the AIPMM certification courses go through everything you’ll need to pass the certification exam but they each focus on different aspects of the product life cycle.

Certified Product Manager

The Certified Product Manager (CPM®) exam covers the product management functions such as championing new products throughout the front end of the product lifecycle, from inception through to launch.

If you are interested in New Product Development this is where you will want to start your journey. Many find it helpful to start with the CPM certification as a base for other certifications, though it is not required.

Certified Product Marketing Manager

The Certified Product Marketing Manager (CPMM ) exam covers the function of product marketing which is responsible for ensuring the success of the product in the marketplace. It starts with a successful launch and continues as the product moves through growth, maturity and eventual decline. It is the function that initiates pricing actions, product focused marketing communications activities and represents the product to sales people, the channel and often customers.

Combined with the CPM certification this will give you a full and complete understanding of the product life cycle. 

Certified Innovation Leader

The Certified Innovation Leader (CIL ) exam teaches you how to utilize every phase of the innovation process to produce goods and services that are successful in the global market place and provide maximum return on investment to the organization.

The CIL exam combines great with the CPM certification as the innovation process overlaps several of the New Product Development phases.

Agile Certified Product Manager Product Owner

The Agile Certified Product Manager Product Owner (ACPMPO ) exam is unique in that it is singularly focused on those who are (or will be) operating in an agile product management environment. This course focuses on concepts that go beyond Scrum such as Lean, XP and Kanban.

This exam is a great addition to the Certified Product Manager exam as it gives you the full understanding of New Product Development from plan through to launch using agile methodologies. 

Certified Digital Product Manager

The Certified Digital Product Manager (CDPM ) exam focuses on the best practices for creating digital products with no physical components. Digital products are typically created using agile methodologies, this course will enhance your skills on key performance indicators, objectives and key results to become outcome driven. You will learn about rapid experimentation, optimization and deployment to accelerate the delivery of digital products that delight your customers. 

The CDPM exam is complimented well with the addition of the CPM and ACPMPO exams to give you a full overview of best practices for digital products. 

Certified Brand Manager

Certified Brand Manager™ covers the roles and responsibilities of brand management, the key organizational interfaces, and the use of the classical marketing "Ps" to strengthen your brand. You will explore the different levels of your brand (e.g., elements, attributes, personality and core values), and how each plays an important role in developing and maintaining strong relationships with your customers. The course will provide insights into achieving the ultimate payoff by maximizing brand equity and brand value.

The CBM exam is important to all roles of product management across the product life cycle as the integrity of the brand should be always maintained. Even if you are not in the role of the brand manager it is beneficial to know the components of the brand identity and how they fit into your product. This exam is critical to ensure the development and maintenance of the brand.